Leading the faculty and staff of PSU- Asingan Campus for the second time around is another challenge for Dr. Armando D. Junio as he went back as the Campus Executive Director of the campus. The faculty and staff were gathered for the first faculty meeting held at the Accreditation room, July 12 .
Dr. Junio presided the meeting with the presence of Dr. Honelly Mae S. Cascolan, Dean, College of Education, Mr. Jb O. Doria, OIC-Dean, College of Technology and Business, Dr. Maryjane U. Quibilan, Chairman of BEE and Gen. Ed Department, Ms. Marry Ann E. Soberano, Chairman of BSE Department and BTLed, Dr. Lobien S. Soriano, Chairman of Business Administration Program, Ms. Ma. Jo Ann B. Ventura, Chairman of Information Technology Program, Engr. Napoleon V. Esperon, Chairman of Industrial Technology Program, other campus officials and the faculty and Staff as well of PSU-AC.
The agenda taken were the updates of COPC preparation which were presented by the different program chairs, updates of Annual Operations targets and status of accomplishment, status of Admission of Incoming Freshmen, updates of submission of grades, faculty workloads and faculty needs, status of Research undertakings, monitoring and implementation and the status of Extension Projects and Community service, monitoring and implementation.
Dr. Junio collaborated with the group on how to improve things on the different areas of concern. The faculty and staff appeared to be active listening and passionately sharing ideas while remaining focus on the topics being discussed. The meeting ended with positive and clear thoughts as everyone was reminded of the things to be accomplished.