Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management

Warmest greetings of peace and prosperity!

Welcome to the BS Agriculture-BS Agribusiness Management department! As we ford through the challenges under the new normal, the BSA-ABM department is ever ready to respond to the instructional needs under different modalities. We take pride in the achievement of our faculty members who are innovative in their respective specializations, research driven, and quality education oriented individuals.

BSA-ABM is focused in delivering quality instruction in agricultural sciences and agribusiness which is at par with top universities in the region. We are focused on instruction, production, extension, research and development because we believe that knowledge generation is a key to national growth.

Dr. Ricardo R. Garcia
Program Chairman, Agriculture and Agribusiness Management Program


The BSABM program is based in competency standards for agribusiness. It focuses on creating and going into business in agriculture. It is systems-oriented emphasizing on the interactions of all activities and factors affecting the manufacture and distribution of farm supplies; production activities of the farm; and the storage, processing, and distribution of farm commodities and items made from them, locally and globally within the context of the country’s biophysical, socio-cultural, political, economic environment, and development needs. (CMO No. 24, s. 2007)

Student Activities

Culminating Activity

Specific professions/ careers/ occupations/ trades that BS ABM graduates may go into:

  1. Corporate Planners
  2. Entrepreneurs
  3. Business Consultants
  4. Business Managers
  5. Sales Representatives
  6. Credit Analysts
  7. Teachers
  8. Researchers
  9. Extensionist
  1. Develop one’s communication skills and strategies
  2. Develop Entrepreneurial Attitudes, skills and professional work ethics, Acquisition of knowledge
  3. Cultivate ethical/collaborative intra- and interpersonal relations with peers, clients and the general public
  4. Develop the decision-making ability to get the most from experience
  5. Perform the multi-tasks in agribusiness confidently
  6. Diagnose and analyze agribusiness opportunities and threats in the environment
  7. Formulate and implement systems-oriented strategic plans and programs
  8. Monitor and evaluate agribusiness programs
  9. Provide Leadership in Creating Business Opportunities
  10. Advocate Policies in Support of agribusiness
  11. Safeguard and protect the environment for sustainable development
  12. Contribute to national development

The BSABM program is based in competency standards for agribusiness. It focuses on creating and going into business in agriculture. It is systems-oriented emphasizing on the interactions of all activities and factors affecting the manufacture and distribution of farm supplies; production activities of the farm; and the storage, processing, and distribution of farm commodities and items made from them, locally and globally within the context of the  country’s biophysical, socio-cultural, political, economic environment, and development needs.  (CMO No. 24, s. 2007)

To produce educated well-rounded professionals in agribusiness capable of meeting the national and global needs for highly trained managers, academics, researchers and extensionists and entrepreneurs.


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