The enormous changes that Pangasinan State University Maria Campus has endured over the years, especially in its effort to offer high-quality education to our target market, have always astounded us. Since the beginning of its operations, the Bachelor of Elementary Education Department has earned a high level reputation for generating true professionals who flourish in the area of education, along with the achievement of the university’s vision mission and objective. Our cherished former students are now employed as mission-driven educators who want to inspire learners of all ages and instill the real essence of education.
Our faculty members are also mandated to consistently improve in their fields of specialization in order to deliver high-quality education as we embark on the purpose of our program with the goal of attaining excellence in all our undertakings.
We are currently growing our academic family. So that we may all learn, relearn, and unlearn everything together AS ONE, we thus extend an invitation to all of you to become a member of our expanding family.
-Prof. Florita C. Balanasay
BEEd Department Chair

The BEEd is an undergraduate teacher education degree program designed to prepare individuals intending to teach in the elementary level. (CMO No. 74, s. 2017)

Student Activities
Campus-based Disaster Risk Reduction Training of BEEd students together with other NSTP students from other programs held on July 16, 2022 at Senator Leticia Ramos Convention Hall.
Rola Ashley Cabanizas, a BEEd graduating student during her Final Demonstrating Teaching.
“Mushroom Cookfest” held on June 10, 2022 as a culminating activity in EGE 17 – Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkanuhayan with Entrepreneurship under Prof. Florita C. Balansay.
- Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the diversity of learners in various learning areas;
- Manifest meaningful and comprehensive pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of the different subject areas;
- Utilize appropriate assessment and evaluation tools to measure learning outcomes;
- Manifest skills in communication, higher order thinking and use of tools and technology to accelerate learning and teaching;
- Demonstrate positive attributes of a model teacher, both as an individual and as a professional;
- Manifest a desire to continuously pursue personal and professional development.
- To instill moral values and good work habits.
The BEEd is an undergraduate teacher education degree program designed to prepare individuals intending to teach in the elementary level. (CMO No. 74, s. 2017)
The program aims to develop highly competent teacher-researchers who specialize in elementary – general education content, pedagogy, and research. Using varied approaches in teaching and learning, students will be exposed to the appropriate approaches, techniques, and methodologies for teaching the Elementary subjects highlighting differentiate instruction and inclusive education in the K to 12 curriculum.